About Us
Next Door started back in 1998 as a question.
“Could your shopping experience of take-home drinks be improved in terms of range, value and experience for those who fancy a drink at home? If so what should we call it?”
People like you all over the country told us yes they would like to see real improvement in the options and experience of shopping for drinks to have at home.
They told us to make sure value for money was improved but also range and service. It was vitally important that the stores are ‘local’ – owned and run by a known and respected member of the local community, so keeping it local was vital.
So that’s how Next Door was born, dedicated to being the very best shopping experience for take home drinks in your area, while remaining firmly rooted in the local fabric of your community.
What makes us different is our people, no two owners are the same and their offering is tailored to their local communities. We have grown into a nationwide group with stores from Clonakility to Ballyshannon.
Whenever you visit a Next Door Off Licence the local owners will do everything to ensure you experience friendly, knowledgeable & helpful staff, while always ensuring you get excellent value for money.
We love what we do and we hope it shows!